Gain more insight with MAAS Medical Interview

3 Steps to great patient communication

1. A unique toolkit

MAAS Medical Interview is an evidence-based model for communication between patient and physician. It’s an invaluable resource for all those involved in medical education and practice. Whether you’re a student needing to kickstart your interview technique, a seasoned practitioner wanting to hone your interview abilities, or a medical educator training and assessing the interview skills of others, MAAS Medical Interview gives you the tools you need.

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2. Based on best practices

MAAS Medical Interview supports you with best practices that are based on evidence. You will learn how to structure medical interviews, how to gain the interviewee’s trust, and how to communicate accurately and effectively, in a way that the patient can understand. The format allows for self, peer, and educator assessment, so it’s easy to test your skills (and those of others) and track your progress.

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3. Backed by scientific evidence

The medical interview is at the heart of any medical consultation. It is vital to diagnosis and management, the patient-physician relationship, and patient satisfaction. MAAS Medical Interview is the key to developing a comprehensive set of interviewing skills. A sound educational model that has been in constant use since it was developed in 1984, MAAS Medical Interview is based on scientific evidence and supported by a wide range of studies that have established its validity across the full range of patients and cases.

Read more … about the scientific evidence behind MAAS Medical Interview and its benefits in medical education and practice


January 15, 2025

German Translation

Recently, we started with the German translation of MAAS MI complementing the versions in English and Dutch.



  • Why did you develop MAAS®?

    Our interest in medical interviewing skills, developed in the early years of our medical careers, led us to construct and analyse a method for measuring them. Interactions with patients and participation in study groups convinced us of the importance of the medical interview for both patient and physician. These interactions triggered the desire to enhance the quality of our own interviewing skills and to gain insight into the intricacies of the consultation process.
    MAAS® is based ont the enthusiasm of inexperience
    Therefore, we responded positive on a call by colleagues in medical education to develop our model of the medical interview, because at the time no comprehensive instruments were available. However, the construction of the Maastricht History-taking and Advice Checklist, as the MAAS® was originally called, came about due to the enthusiasm of inexperience: neither of us realized beforehand the dangers, pitfalls and demands in terms of time, energy and knowledge that would need to be met.
  • I am a student, am I allowed to use MAAS®?

    Yes, we allow you to use MAAS® for your personal development when you are a student of the medical interview.

    However, we ask you to:

    • Involve your peers for feedback and assessment, and to inform them about MAAS®
    • Inform your teachers and educators about MAAS®
    • Refer carefully to the source of ideas and information, and to cite MAAS® respectfully in any papers and presentations, in compliance with integrity regulations.

    You are a student of the medical interview when:

    • You are a student in medical school or a resident in a medical specialization or vocational training, such as General Practice
    • You are a student in a medically-related study, such as Dentistry, Health Sciences, Obstetrics, Physiotherapy, Nurse, Oral Health Sciences, Pharmacy
    • You are a student in a mental health-related study, such as Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, and Social Work.

    In all other conditions, we can not allow you to apply MAAS®.

  • I am a medical educator, am I allowed to use MAAS® in my institution?

    Yes, you are allowed to apply MAAS® in your institution’s teaching, training and assessment of interviewing skills under the following conditions:

    • You agree:
      • To provide feedback on a regular basis for the further development of MAAS®
      • To participate in ongoing research regarding the medical interview in general and MAAS® in particular
      • We included this condition to improve the quality of MAAS® and the services offered on our site
    • You agree with our License Agreement which wil give you the right to use MAAS® for instruction of educators and for teaching, training, feedback and formative and summative assessment of students in your institution
    • Agreement is only obtained after you received a written and signed consent by MAAS® MI
    • You can send your request for further information about a License Agreement to INFO@MAAS-MI.EU.

    In all other conditions, we will not allow you to apply MAAS® in your institution’s teaching, training and assessment of interviewing skills.

  • In which languages is MAAS MI available?

    MAAS MI is primarily available in English, but for a number of languages, such as Dutch (Nederlands) and German (Deutsch), translations are also available.

    Dutch (Nederlands)

    MAAS MI General Practice and MAAS MI Mental Health are available in Dutch. Translations were made by Crijnen & Kraan, developers of MAAS MI.

    German (Deutsch)

    MAAS MI General Practice is available in German (Deutsch) in a translation by Taalcentrum-VU.