MAAS-G Global-Self
Learn how to improve your medical interviews with MAAS-G Global-Self. This training tool helps you to evaluate your medical interviews.
MAAS-G Global-Self allows you to keep an eye on the entire interview. You can also of course pay specific attention to one interview phase, or a particular process skill. Scoring is on a simple 5-point scale.
This scale can be combined with MAAS-G-Self.
Content Scales
1Exploring Reasons for Encounter
1.1I adequately explored the Reasons for Encounter, e.g. I clarified the complaint, the significance of the complaint to the patient, and the desired help
2.1I collected all the data necessary for medical problem-solving, e.g. for establishing and understanding diagnosis, and for aetiological and maintaining factors
3Presenting Solutions
3.1I adequately performed the Presentation of Solutions, e.g. I conveyed information about causes and consequences of the complaint, and about further management, and I involved the patient in the decision about treatment plan
Process Scales
aStructuring the Interview
a.1I structured the interview, e.g. I introduced myself and formulated an agenda, announced transitions, and organized the different phases of the interview
bInterpersonal Skills
b.1I tried to empathize with the patient to establish a relationship and to respond on concerns and emotions
cCommunication Skills
c.1I communicated effectively with my patient, e.g. I made sure that my patient and I understood the meaning of our words
dBasic Interviewing Skills
d.1I adequately used interpersonal and communicative skills, e.g. I facilitated communication, asked closed-ended questions in a proper way, summarized and concretized well, confronted adequately, reflected emotions in a proper way, and made appropriate meta-communicative remarks
eOverall Competency
e.1In my opinion, this interview proceeded satisfactorily
f.1Report meaningful comments including clues for improvement
g.1Instructions for use
Medical students, residents and physicians are requested to score their interview on a five-point Likert scale:
- Strongly agree;
- Partially agree;
- Indifferent;
- Partially disagree;
- Strongly disagree.
MAAS-G-Global-Self can be applied for instruction as well as for evaluation and assessment in medical education and residency training as an instrument for self-assessment.
MAAS-G-Global-Self is carefully constructed as a global assessment whereby important goals of the medical interview are included as behavioral anchor points. And this scale can also be applied easily in combination with the MAAS-G-Self, for example when students focus in their early years of training on one phase at a time, e.g. Exploring Reasons for Encounter or History-taking, or on one process skill, e.g. Interpersonal Skills, while they are still informed about their performance on other domains.
We, however, advise you to take the limitations of the instrument into account; MAAS-G and MAAS-G-Self are more demanding, but feature better instrumental utility. Read further about Instrumental Utility and MAAS-G Global-Self.
MAAS-G-Global-Self was constructed for the Medical Interview section of the Competency in Medical and Psychomedical Education project (Crijnen & Kraan, 1983).
© Crijnen & Kraan 1984